Noomane Raboudi
Associate Professor
Noomane Raboudi is an islamologue-politologue. His PhD is in modern and contemporary Arabic and Islamic studies. He is a professor in the school of political science at the University of Ottawa. He specializes in ancient and contemporary Arabic-Muslim political imaginary. This specialization also implies expertise in Islamism. His research focuses mainly on the relationship between dogma, Islamic legislation, democracy and philosophy as well as human rights. In this regard, Prof Raboudi, with Prof. Rachad Antonius, conducted sociological research at UQAM for a special edition about modern Islam. In 2012, he published an 850 page book in Arabic with the title: “Les droits de la personne dans le discours politique arabe contemporain; de la crise du renouvellement au renouvellement”. During several years, professor Raboudi was a member of the Canadian Research Chair in Islam, pluralism and globalization at the University of Montréal. He supervised several master and PhD candidates in terms of modern Islam; specifically, Islamism. He also is a well-known expert in Quebec and Canada in terms of Middle-Eastern and North-African politics. Accordingly, he is often invited from francophone as well as anglophone media to comment on the contemporary Arab world.
+1 613 407 04 74