The VNR Method
Conflict Mastery enables you to learn the technical and mental aspects of navigating through conflict while remaining in a serene state of mind.
We don’t live in the same world as we did yesterday or a week ago – change is the only constant… In this ever and fast changing world we live in, you can either live a life of regret and pity, or you can excel and use the ever changing circumstances as a source of personal- and interpersonal growth and innovation. Decide.
Most people just go through life hoping life changes them, but hope won’t get you the change and transforming results and extraordinary life you want and deserve to create.
With Conflict Mastery you get the tools and strategies to accelerate your personal growth and transformation. You will:
Discover the infinite potential within you and through conflict mastery
Learn how to use conflict and change as a source of growth and personal transformation
Acquire the tools and strategies to live life extraordinarily
AND you will embark on a journey of growth, transformation and mastery of and through conflict!
Join Conflict Mastery to transform and accelerate your personal and interpersonal growth and transformation to implement the life changing tools and strategies to conflict mastery.
With Conflict Mastery, you craft the blueprint and mindset that sets you up for infinite personal and interpersonal growth and transformation through your conflicts you inevitably face in your life.
YOU – for those who want to live an extraordinary life. Those who are motivated to live, learn, and love life to the fullest. Those who want to be a gift to their spouse, mother, father, children, and the world. Become the gift you want to be!
This program is for dedicated humans, aspiring leaders, executives, coaches and much more. For people who want to improve in any area of their lives – every day – with every breath!
Conflict mastery is unlike any other program you ever attended. From the latin word "educo" -- meaning develop from within, Conflict Mastery gives you the education you want. It’s a life changing and transformative program that transforms the way you see and experience conflict. It equips you with immediate tools and strategies to tackle any challenge and conflict in life. It’s the change and transformation you want to embark on to transformatively experience and tackle conflict and life extraordinarily as your source of growth.
the ykm currently learns and develops its programs from one of the best conflict experts in the world, namely Prof. emeritus Vern Neufeld Redekop. We never settle to develop and put into place the best programs possible because we strive and breathe excellence, integrity, and trust in every breath we take.
WHAT IS The VNR Method
The Vern Neufeld Redekop Method is a method and lifestyle based on the scholarship of worldreknown conflict expert and professor of conflict study Dr. Vern Neufeld Redekop to transform conflict and lives. The word method derives via Latin from Greek methodos ‘pursuit of knowledge’, from meta- (expressing development) + hodos ‘way’ suggests, The VNR Method is a way of knowing, understanding, and transforming intrapersonal-, interpersonal-, and/or group conflict. Conflict is a process in which two or more people engage with a perceived divergence of goals/values and actively obstruct the achievement of each others goals/values. This integrative and lifegiving method enables you to identify, address, manage, and transform your conflicts and relationships constructively and transformatively.
In this program, you learn the tools and strategies to identify, address, manage, and transform conflict as a source of growth. Whether you face intra-, interpersonal-, or group conflict/s, the method enables you to transform conflict at its root. Become your best. Learn the tools and strategies based on the work of worldreknown conflict expert and professor Dr. Vern Neufeld Redekop to identify, address, manage, and transform conflict through The VNR Method.

1. What are the harmful sides of conflict?
2. How does it become destructive?
3. How does it cause some deep hurt?
4. Potential
5. Harnessing conflict

coming soon

1. Who are the parties involved?
2. What are the common denominators?
3. What are the positions?
4. What are the interests?
5. What are the mutual interests?

coming soon
Dr. Vern Neufeld Redekop is a world-renown scholar and professor in peace and conflict Studies, he is a professor emeritus at St. Paul University, Ottawa, Canada, where he worked since 2001. He is the initiator of the Integrative Peacebuilding Program at the Professional Development Institute (PDI) at the University of Ottawa. The author of From Violence to Blessing: How an Understanding of Deep-Rooted Conflict Can Open Paths to Reconciliation (Novalis, 2002) translated in French and Arabic, Co-editor with Shirley Paré of Beyond Control: A Mutual Respect Approach to Protest Crowd – Police Relations (Bloombury, 2010), Co-author of Introduction to Conflict Studies; Empirical, Theoretical, and Ethical Dimensions (Oxford University Press, 2012), Co-editor with Gloria Neufeld Redekop of AWAKENING: Applying Spirituality, Emergent Creativity, and Reconciliation (Lexington Books, 2019), Co-editor with Gloria Neufeld Redekop of TRANSFORMING: Exploring Spirituality, Emergent Creativity, and Reconciliation (Lexington Books, 2021),editor of René Girard and Creative Mimesis (2016, Lexington Books) and René Girard and Creative Reconciliation (2010, Lexington Books) both with Thomas Ryba, among many other scholarly and non-scholarly articles.
Before that he was President at the Canadian Institute for Conflict Resolution. His involvement in training and program development has taken him to Indigenous communities in Canada as well as to Bosnia and Herzegovina, Sudan, Taiwan and other countries. Since 2010 he has been working on the development of a Graduate Diploma in Integrative Peacebuilding. His theoretical and practical insights found expression in his book, From Violence to Blessing: How an Understanding of Deep-Rooted Conflict Can Open Paths to Reconciliation, which included two chapters devoted to mimetic theory and scapegoating respectively and was organized around the concepts of mimetic structures of violence and mimetic structures of blessing. Subsequent research has focused on protest crowds and police, resulting in (with Shirley Paré) Beyond Control: A Mutual Respect Approach to Protest Crowd – Police Relations. Oxford University Press has published Introduction to Conflict Studies: Empirical, Theoretical, and Ethical Dimensions, which he co-authored with Jean-Francois Rioux. He edited (with Thomas Ryba) René Girard and Creative Mimesis and René Girard and Creative Reconciliation.
Currently, he is preparing a workbook on Community Dialogue processes on Social Reconciliation and Economic Development, a project supported by the James Bay Cree of Quebec.
Vern Neufeld Redekop's integrative, interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary works on conflict transformed and continue to transform lives and communities throughout the world. As he says; “conflict studies is transdisciplinary.” And this program reflects Vern’s work. This program is mainly but not exclusively based on Vern Neufeld Redekop’s critical work in the field of peace and conflict studies.
Because the potential for conflict exists in every single moment, the tools and strategies we teach will critically enhance your life's quality at any level.
This integrative and lifegiving method enables you to transform conflicts, relationships, and the way you experience and engage in-, and with the world. Whether you seek to enhance your personal relationship to yourself, your spouse or your co-workers, we help you to develop and grow to take your life to greater hights. Learn to identify, address, manage, and transform your life through conflict transformation. Develop, grow, and transform into the person you are meant to become through The VNR Method. Your development. Your growth. Your transformation. Begins NOW.
That's The VNR Method!

You look to take your personal life and/or career to another level? You want to expand your positive sphere of influence? You desire a life of meaning and purpose? The VNR Method is for anyone who seeks to improve his/her life and its vital human connections and relationships. The VNR Method is a lifestyle – a lifestyle that’s lifegiving. This course will change and transform the way you see, engage, and experience life in- and around you.
Ready to transform the way you live and experience your life?
Join us NOW.

Interested to connect to yourself and others on a deeper level to transformatively engage in conflict? Bring yourself and others to the next level to live
a life of meaning and purpose.
Book now a free 30 min consultation session with one of our conflict experts.
We can't wait to hear from you soon.
the ykm team
Interested to learn, understand, and engage in intra- and interpersonal conflict on a deeper level and, simulteneously, connect to yourself and others on a deeper level?
Book now a free 30 min consultation session with one of our life strategists.
Bring yourself to the next level and take action now to live a life of meaning and purpose!